Thursday, April 3, 2008

Questions for veteran travelers

If you're a newbie and have questions for people who have been to Honduras with NY Help before post a comment in reply to this post with anything you're curious about and someone should get back to you shortly.

Suggestions for Future Trips

I'd have to second an e-mail that Liz sent out - reading glasses for the older population seem to be in great need, relatively light and could be transported if packed effectively.

Memories from the February 2008 Trip

My favorite memories of the February 2008 trip - singing songs by candle light after dinner with the neighborhood children, waking and going to bed with the sun, tortillas and beans and rice, dark chocolate M and M's after a week and half on the mountain, the views, the sun in February, focusing on other people's needs, the camaraderie, the Slaughter House Six, sharing talking and being comfortable being silent with people I hadn't known a week earlier, Salvavidas on the beach, being able to help people with Spanish despite what I've lost over the years, walking as my main mode of transportation, and of course the people - fellow volunteers and all the members of the tribe I was privileged to meet.